Sewer Connections


Effective January 10, 2025, the Sewer Connection Fee shall be $2,545.00 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). For the 2025 Calendar/Fiscal year 1 EDU assigned to “other than residential” units  = 208gpd.

Published by Order of the South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority

Ryan R. Krause P.E., C.M.E.
Executive Director

Fee Schedule 2025
Approved by Resolution #01-25

Definitions of Equivalent Domestic Unit (EDU)

Connection Fee:
The Connection Fee shall be calculated annually in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:14A-8. The SMRSA 2025 Calendar/Fiscal year Sewer Connection Fee per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) has been calculated to be $2,545.00 per EDU.

  1. Residential Uses
    Each apartment, townhouse, single-family dwelling, or similar type of housing unit, shall be assigned 1.0 EDU.
  • Other Than Residential Uses:

The number of EDU’s assigned to any use, other than residential, will be based on the proposed estimated average daily flow of the proposed connector in accordance with provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Codes more specifically N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23.3 (Projected Flow Criteria) as supplemented therein on March 20, 2006, and approved by the Executive Director of the Authority, divided by the average daily flow of sewage for the average single-family residence in the Authority’s service area.  Each “Other Than Residential” use, shall be assigned a minimum of 1.0 EDU.  Fractional number of EDU’s shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number EDU.

The average daily flow of a single-family residence shall be calculated annually, at the end of the calendar/fiscal year, and be utilized for determining the number of EDU’s assigned to “other than residential” units in the subsequent fiscal year. 

The average daily flow of a single-family home for purposes of determining the number of EDU’s assigned to “other than residential” units for the 2025 Calendar/Fiscal year is 208 gpd.  The average daily flow of a single-family residence was calculated by dividing the 2024 Average Daily Flow (as metered by the Authority), by the total number of residential and “other than residential (equivalent dwelling unit)” connections to the system.

 Sewer Discharge Surcharge Fee(s):

Pollutant or Pollutant Property                        Surcharge Rates
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)              $0.397/lb. excess loading 
Total Suspended Solids                                   $0.265/lb. excess loading             


Surcharge for any other prohibited pollutant will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Rates for the acceptance of liquid waste:

Type Code Waste Type Below 30,000 gallons per month 30,000 gallons per month Amount over 30,000 gallons per month   
1 Preapproved Processed Food Waste        
  0 to 8% solid $0.07 $0.06 $0.05 per gallon
  8 to 10% solid $0.08 $0.07 $0.06 per gallon
  Greater than 10% solids $0.10 $0.09 $0.08 per gallon


  • $175.00 for the first (1) Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) or part thereof.
  • $65.00 each from the second (2) Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) through and including the sixth (6)
  • $500.00 for seven (7) or more EDUs, plus 1% of the cost of the sewer construction cost.
  • In extraordinary circumstances where, due to the nature of the application, the payments set forth in paragraph (1), (2) or (3) are insufficient to cover the Authority’s administrative costs for review, the applicant shall pay to the Authority, in addition to the sums in (1), (2) or (3) a sum representing the Authority’s actual administrative costs and expenses for review of the application.

Single Family Dwellings

Single-family dwellings should contact their respective municipality. Click here for the list

Commercial or Multi-family Projects

Prospective commercial or multi-building developers or engineers wishing to connect to SMRSA Sewer System, please select and download the appropriate application below.

Connection Fee Note

Connection Fees cannot be waived or discounted. Affordable Housing Units receive a 50% discount.

2025 Capacity Application
2025 Sewer Extension Application
2025 Connection_Fee_Application