Governor’s Excellence Award
Innovative Technology Category
This award was presented to the South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority who has demonstrated the use or deployment of a new or alternative method, procedure, process, system or facility, which results in greater environmental protection than other technologies in current practice or comparable results at lower costs in terms of energy, natural resources or environmental impacts.
The South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority (SMRSA) operates 11 sewage pump stations in Monmouth County. Its station in Sea Girt suffered repeat damage and outages due to storm flooding. In 2010, a project team designed a mobile enclosure to make the station more resilient to future storms. The mobile facility consists of two rooms: one for an emergency generator and one for electrical equipment. During storms the mobile facility is moved to higher ground while an expendable portable generator and transfer switch power the station. Once the storm subsides, the mobile facility is moved back in place and hooked up to the pump station. The mobile system minimizes damage, reduces plant down time, and lessens the potential of sewer overflows. SMRSA estimated $1.5 million dollars in savings since 2010 because there was no substantial damage to the Sea Girt station during Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy. The design was deemed a best management practice by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
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Executive Director, Michael J. Ruppel and Commissioner Farrell Accepting the 2014 Governor’s Excellence Award